On the occasion of the visit of Oh Se Hoon Seoul Mayor in Budapest the groundbreaking ceremony of Ahn Eak Tai statue took place. A cupper plate indicating the venue of the statue was unveiled. Unexpected happenings changed this plan later.
VIP guests at the groundbreaking ceremony: Mrs. Kodály Zoltánné Péczely Sarolta, widow of late Kodály Zoltán, Leonor Ahn on behalf of Ahn’s family, Batta András rector of Liszt Academy of Music, Hudecz Ferenc rector of ELTE University, Horváth László director of Eötvös College, M. Csoma Mózes assistant professor and leader of Korean Dept. of ELTE University.
Oh Se Hoon Mayor of Seoul City together with the members of the Korean delegation and with the Hungarian guests visited the exhibition about „Ahn Eak Tai in Budapest” presented int he Main Hall of Eötvös College by the Society. After the groundbreaking ceremony in the front garden of Eötvös College the collection of Szegő Andrea about “Ahn Eak Tai in Budapest” was exhibited by the Society the first time.