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Welcome to the website of the Hungary-Korea Society.
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“Anniversaries and Meetings – Ahn Eak Tai, Bartók and Dohnányi” concert celebrating the 110th anniversary of Ahn’s birth and 80th anniversary of his first visit to Hungary and his meeting vith Bartók Béla and Dohnányi Ernő. Venue: Grand hall of Liszt Academy of Music Bővebben…
“Anniversaries and Meetings – Ahn Eak Tai, Bartók and Dohnányi” – exhibition opening speech by Vásáry Tamás, Kossuth prize winner pianist and conductor, Artist of the Hungarian Nation. Bővebben…
Korea Hungary Joint Nano Laboratory is a good example how a civil organization can help with its own tools the scientific cooperation between two countries. On 9th June, 2009 Hungary-Korea Society held an International Conference on the occasion of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. One speaker from the Korean side was Dong-Pil Min, Chairman of Korea Research Council Bővebben…
Chung Ui Hwa, Speaker of the Korean National Assembly, members of the Korean National Assembly delegation visiting Hungary, wreathed the Ahn Eak Tai statue in the Citiy Park together with the leadership of our Society on 9th July, 2015. This was the first official wreathing ceremony at the statue, though the Korean delegations arriving to Hungary always visited the statue within the framework of their non-official program.The leaders of our Society put a flower Bővebben…
A civil society is rarely honored by the fact that it can host an event in common with the Embassy. This is a sign that the organization of the event by our Society is a guarantee for the Korean Embassy regarding its quality. One could meet more than 200 cheerful, smiling people in the Orczy Park on the 30th May. There was a possibility to build direct human connections between Koreans living in Hungary and Hungarians. We could enjoy each other’s culture, taste a famous Bővebben…
Ceremonial hand-over of cimbalom, donation of Hungary-Korea Society, in Seoul, 1st May, 2014–25th anniversary event in Korea Cimbalom donated by Hungary-Korea Society to Korea National University of Arts was introduced at a concert in the main Hall of Seoul Arts Center on 1st May, 2014. It was followed by a cimbalom master class participated by students of Korea National University of Arts. It happened the first time in Korea Bővebben…
During his two weeks visit in Hungary in April Yi Mun Yol most popular Korean novelist met Hungarian novelists and Hungarian people interested in Korean literature in Budapest and in the countryside. Synopsis of his novels were edited and translated by Andrea Szegő and they were presented by Hungarian secondary school students. Yi Mun Yol and his family was welcome Bővebben…